VCSO Services for Pasadena, Glendale & Burbank

VCSO Services

Take advantage of our vCSO services to fortify your digital infrastructure and protect your business assets today.

VCSO Services Pasadena

Virtual Chief Security Officer  

Virtual Chief Security Officer (VCSO) services from Netready provide expert guidance on cybersecurity strategies, fostering a secure digital business environment and significantly mitigating the risk of cyber threats. Through these services, you have access to seasoned professionals who will help you establish robust security protocols, ensure compliance with industry standards, and provide ongoing monitoring and updates to keep your business safe from evolving cyber threats.



Our Virtual Chief Security Office (VSCO) solution will help your business make security decisions, understand security threats, and optimize security processes. With our VCSO solution, you will retain a board-level resource who can virtually sit inside your company and manage your security strategy, budget, review of risks and regulator programs.

With our VCSO solution, we will not be sitting on the sidelines. Our goal is to be constantly and consistently delivering results. Below we will outline the ongoing items that we will be providing as a part of this solution.

  •  Threat Intelligence - Provides context for decisions being made within the cybersecurity program.
  • Risk Analysis - Prioritizes items for completion within the organization-provides a trustworthy place to start.
  •  Security Accountability - Creates oversight for the organization’s security – the Executive team knows it is being proactively managed.
  •  User Privilege Review - Review the list of line of business, m365 and domain users to ensure no unneeded users; verify tickets were created for user termination requests as well as any Human Resources changes.
  •  Executive Leadership Meeting - Meet with executive team (CEO, COO, CFO, GC and CAO) to provide updates on current trends in IT security, latest vulnerabilities analysis and status of IT projects; supplement with further updates as needed.
  •  Vulnerability Scan / Security Services - Provide ongoing security analysis of network, provide/review report findings with leadership, and assist in planning of necessary remediation projects.
  •  Third-Party Penetration Testing - Schedule, coordinate, and oversee third-party penetration testing; coordinate and remediate any findings from the testing.
  •  Policy and Procedure Review - Review policies and make updates based on organizational changes; if changes are made to acceptable use policy, coordinate with legal and incorporate into Employee Handbook as needed; create and implement new policies as needed.
  •  Vendor Review - Conduct security review of vendors, including completion of Vendor Self-Assessment Questionnaire; initiate/oversee vendor security changes as needed; Review most current contracts to determine if updates are needed.
  •  Risk Assessment - Review the different types of risk facing the business units; prioritize security and compliance investments and initiatives based on risk findings.
  •  PCI and Cyber Insurance Self-Assessment - Complete and save the file to annual self-assessment questionnaires for compliance purposes.
  •  Tabletop Exercise - Perform annual tabletop exercise of the disaster recovery plan/incident response plan with applicable IT vendors and company personnel.


Why a Third-Party Assessment?

Hackers are 100% focused on looking for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and weaknesses. Doesn't it make sense that you would also have someone 100% focused on finding those vulnerabilities reviewing your network? Recurring third-party security assessments give you the peace of mind of knowing a team that is 100% security-focused is double-checking your tools, configurations, and behaviors, looking for weaknesses. They say, "you can't proofread your own work" - the same holds true for cyber security. Why perform a recurring assessment? Just performing one assessment isn't enough. Hackers are constantly coming up with new ways to break into networks. This leads to new vulnerabilities constantly being discovered.


Get the NetReady IT Co-Managed IT Roadmap

IT Support Fixed CostFixed Monthly Pricing

We provides your business with predictable monthly IT costs.

IT Help Desk PasadenaPersonable Help Desk

Our help desk is answered live, by our personable and experienced team.

IT Experience Burbank25+ Years of Experience

Netready has proudly provided IT Services in Los Angeles for over 25 years.

Why Netready Has The Top
Rated Managed IT Services In Pasadena

IT Support Burbank

IT Services Glendale


Netready keeps your network and your data safe
with proactive IT security service.

IT Support Pasadena


Netready detects IT problems from outside
threats and internal mistakes before they become a disaster.

IT Consulting Pasadena


Our 24x7 IT help desk responds to you and
provides IT support whenever you need it.

Managed IT Services Pasadena

Contact Us Today

IT Support Burbank

We can discuss your company's technology needs and start developing a plan to give your business the
IT services & support it needs to succeed and make your business better.

IT Support Pasadena


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Our Technology Certifications

Netready IT's certifications in leading technologies can benefit your business in several ways:

  1. Expertise: These certifications demonstrate that Netready IT has expertise in various technologies and best practices. This means they are well-equipped to handle complex IT challenges and can provide effective solutions for your business.
  2. Quality of Service: Certifications like Microsoft Silver Partner, VMWare Certified, and Cisco Certified indicate that Netready IT meets high standards of service and has been recognized by industry leaders for their expertise. This can give you confidence in the quality of service you will receive.
  3. Compliance: Certifications such as CISA, CRISC, CISM, and CISSP indicate that Netready IT is well-versed in compliance and security best practices. This is crucial for ensuring that your business complies with relevant regulations and that your IT infrastructure is secure.
  4. Efficiency: Certifications like ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) indicate that Netready IT follows best practices for IT service management. This can lead to more efficient IT operations and better alignment between IT and business goals.
  5. Risk Management: Certifications like CRISC and CISSP demonstrate that Netready IT has expertise in risk management and information security. This can help protect your business from cyber threats and ensure that your data is secure.

Netready IT's certifications in leading technologies demonstrates that we have the knowledge, skills, and experience to provide high-quality Managed IT Services that can benefit your business in terms of efficiency, security, and compliance.

Free Cyber Security Risk Assessment

This Free Cyber Security Risk Assessment Will Reveal Where Your Company Is At High Risk To Ransomware, Hackers And Other Devastating Cyber-Attacks.

Don’t wait to find out the hard way! Please remember that EVERYTHING WE DISCUSS AND DISCOVER WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.


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